What a wonderful life

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Monday, January 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by pierrefong.
The year 2004 has been a very exciting year for me and as we looked back, there were indeed many things to be thankful for. What better way then to have a "thanksgiving" party. As usual, Ben and Eunice has been most gracious in offering their place for us to use.

We all brought food and there was plenty to go around. Even as we sat around singing carols, remembering the birth of Christ, we all gave thanks for the Lord's provision for all of us. What was most exciting was that most of us shared personal things about ourselves that we were grateful for and that was what really touched me. God had provided a group of Christians who had the desire to learn God's word and it excited me to see how they had grown! Praise the Lord, for He is the only one who can bring about such growth.

In addition, we invited Roy and Che Yeong's care group to join us. The fellowship was sweet and encouraging as I saw the desire that they had to fellowship amongst other believers and we willign to share thier lives. I managed to speak to a few of them, I must admit that I never had the opportunity to speak to them before. The party gave such an oppourtunity to me and my fellow care groups members.

Contrary to some belief that we need to always be looking out for people to minister to, it was really God that provided the opportunity and what we need to do is to be sesitive and to respond when such an opportunity arises!

All in all, it was a great year and we thank God for it and for all that he has provided.


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